Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bootcamp Madness

Where do I begin...I have started on an amazing journey into physical health, emotional well being and a lifestyle change through a motivated Bootcamp created by my friend Jennifer, Certified Personal Trainer and Master Life Coach. I find it a privilege to be embarking on such a profound and fulfilling journey with such a wonderful group of women. What I love the most is, "were all in it together philosophy" we all push one another even in our most trying times of resistance, pain and vulnerability. In addition, Jennifer takes us to a whole new level by creating an ever-changing environment that not only stimulates our physical being, but also our spiritual and mental. We meet three times a week, mostly at Centennial Park-my personal favorite, but also on occasion at a gym, and our exercises are never the same and believe me-never easy. Through her stern, yet soft and encouraging ways we find in ourselves the strength to push on, in order to gain that rare and personal sense of accomplishment as well we are trying to make our trainer proud. I can not even count the number of days I could not get out of bed because I was unbearably sore, walking around like "tin man" making agonizing noises along the way. But with every whine, cry and ache I realized just how out of shape I truly am-fooling no one but myself. Currently, we are half through our journey and the focus now is on diet, making us accountable Jennifer has us maintain a daily food journal-which does work! Seeing the items we put into our bodies written before our eyes makes a huge difference. I find myself not wanting to eat that brownie now, just because I have to write it down for the world to see. She gives us healthy alternatives and identifies problem areas and inquires until she finds out why and how to help correct it. I feel so motivated and healthier already that I wanted to blog about my experience thus far. I will keep you posted on my Bootcamp Madness and might even share the inches lost at the end of the 4 weeks?? Wish me luck and if you want to get motivated too let me know or just click on Jenn's blog link under my followers list~

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